Short Cake
8PM - Animal Crossing Wild World

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1촌평 관리

Cocos Creator ver 3.8.4

GamJia 2024. 12. 21. 08:28

열흘 전 쯤에 Cocos 3.8.4 버전이 업데이트 됐습니다
내용이 워낙 많아서 요약하면 저 정도일 것 같습니다

WebGPU가 특히 눈에 띄는데 WebGPU 자체가
아직 개발 단계라서 당장 쓰는 것은
추천드리지 않습니다 ^_^;;

Cocos - The world's top 2D&3D engine, game / smart cockpit /AR/VR/ virtual character / education

The world's top lightweight, efficient, cross-platform digital content development platform can meet different development needs for 3D, 2D, AR&VR and other unique content creation, and can provide complete solutions in frontier fields such as smart cockpi

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